Citrus CSR initiative - Growth Sprouts

Empowering Communities Igniting Change

Step Into A Brighter Future

Together, We Empower and Nurture Growth

At Citrus Group, we believe in the power of human potential. That's why we're thrilled to introduce Growth Sprouts - our pioneering initiative designed to nourish the roots of our community by empowering the underprivileged with the skills they need to secure a brighter future.

Unemployment and underemployment have been persistent issues in Singapore's low-income communities. These issues are often due to a lack of access to quality education and skills training, which can provide individuals with the tools they need to elevate their careers and improve their financial situation.

Changing Lives, One Person at a Time

Growth Sprouts Mission:

Our mission is simple yet powerful – we aim to transform lives by unlocking human potential. Through skills enhancement, mindset transformation, and increased employability, we're championing the underprivileged and fostering a new era of socially responsible business. 


Career Upskill


Career Matching


Career Coaching

Brands Growing Their Businesses With Citrus Group

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Unleashing Human Potential

Initiatives to Ignite Change

Growth Sprouts consists of a series of tailor-made training programs, designed with the unique needs of our participants in mind. We provide a wide range of training, covering everything from basic digital literacy to advanced soft skills. Our goal is to equip individuals with the skills they need to succeed in the modern job market.

Lesson 1

Pathways to Prosperity

Adopt an abundance mindset with our transformative workshops.

Unlock Your Potential

Gain essential skills for today's job market with our tailored training.
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Journey to Success

We're with you every step of the way with our continuous career support.

But Growth Sprouts isn't just about job skills; it's about life skills. We also offer financial literacy training to help participants manage their finances more effectively and make informed financial decisions. Moreover, through ongoing mentorship, we ensure participants have the support they need as they embark on their new career path.


Growth Sprouts: Shaping A Better Tomorrow Through Empowerment

Our CSR initiative Growth Sprouts aims to uplift underprivileged communities by enhancing their employability through mindset transformation, skills training, and career progression. We're dedicated to providing opportunities for personal growth and creating a wealth of job opportunities through partnerships with local businesses.

Growth Sprouts is designed for individuals from underprivileged communities who are seeking employment opportunities and skills enhancement. We aim to foster equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of their present circumstances.

Our approach comprises three phases: Career Upskilling, Career Matching, and Career Coaching. Participants will receive comprehensive support throughout their journey, including mindset and decision-making workshops, tailored employability training, and regular coaching sessions to facilitate workplace adjustment and skills upgrading.

We're collaborating with a diverse range of local organizations including government agencies, NGOs, and businesses. Our collaborative approach ensures a broad base of support and offers a multitude of job opportunities for our program participants.

Businesses and individuals can support our initiative in various ways. Businesses can participate as sponsor employers, offering job opportunities to our program participants, while individuals can volunteer their time and skills, or contribute financially to support the initiative. For more details on how to get involved, please contact our CSR team.

Growth Sprouts Shaping Lives Shaping Futures

Ready to plant the seeds of success? Become a Sponsor Today

Remember, the success of a society grows from its roots. With your support, we can help those roots grow strong and healthy, uplifting our community one individual at a time.

Ready to plant the seeds of success? 

Join us in nurturing growth, fostering resilience, and sowing the seeds of success. After all, every great achievement starts with a small sprout.